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All I want is a text response

All I'm trying to do is get a simple text response of who the latest subscriber to my channel is. I just need the name of the latest subscriber for my overlay but I can't seem to find an easy way of doing this. I've tried using postman to get an oauth2 token to no avail and I don't want a redirect anywhere. I just want the name of the latest subscriber so I can have it update in my overlay without having to maintain it. I am trying to implement it in to muxy but muxy doesn't have an accessible API without using the ticker program, uploading to dropbox and accessing the dropbox as essentially a restful API. I've tried generating codes but I can't seem to get a standard json or even plain text response. Is there anyone that can help me? I keep getting redirects and a bunch of crap. I'm not trying to build some massive application, just a simple restful request to get the latest subscriber to my channel.

Bug: month_count is always 0 in the subscriber_anniversary event

Title sums it up - I am always getting a 0 value when receiving a subscriber_anniversary event.


i was wondering for the benefits on game wisp for streamers if you can have emotes like when you sub on twitch?

app-channel-connected message does not return channel object

I'm connecting to a GameWisp channel using the channel-connect message, and I receive an app-channel-connected response without a channel node in the JSON, eg:

C# and accessing channel data

Problem: Getting started with a c# wrapper for communicating with gamewisp API

Does /channel/subscribers include re-subscribers?

I currently cannot use Singularity with my application. I am polling the /channel/subscribers API to get recent subscribers. As I am new to GameWisp, I am wondering if re-subscribers will return as the latest results in the API, or if only NEW subscribers will be the most recent. If it's only new subscribers, if there an API to check for recent re-subscribers? Thanks.

Auth Token for Non Web Application

I am working on some custom on-stream notifications for a client, and I need access to her subscriber list. I have created a GameWisp account and a new application in the integration panel, but am not sure how to get the authorization tokens I need, since the documentation seems exclusively targeted towards web apps. What, for example, am I meant to use as the Endpoint/Redirect URI?

How to fulfill if no user input / make input optional

I have a couple benefits that have to do with user names. I have input for those benefits currently, i.e. What's your user name on a particular platform, but for my 1st couple subscribers I already knew it and fulfilled it without their input. How do I mark as fulfilled?

Not getting the "User_Input:" field

Using the /channel/subscribers endpoint with the subscriber_read_full permission I am able to get all of the benefit and fulfillment data except the User_Input field. Did something change from when the API docs where written?

Singularity API Question
