Not getting the "User_Input:" field
Using the /channel/subscribers endpoint with the subscriber_read_full permission I am able to get all of the benefit and fulfillment data except the User_Input field. Did something change from when the API docs where written?
User input can contain information that is potentially sensitive, therefore, we do not share it with applications that have not specifically authorized the user in question with the subscriber_read_full scope.
For example...channel A has two subscribers, Subscriber One and Subscriber Two. If you write an application that Channel A authorizes, even if you use the subscriber_read_full permission, you will not be able to see user input for Subscriber One or Subscriber Two. To see user input provided by either Subscriber One or Subscriber Two, you will have to authorize them specifically using the subscriber_read_full scope and then you can use the subscriptions endpoint in the User Resource to get their actual user input.
This is reflected on the Scopes page as follows:
"Use this (the subscriber_read_full scope) when you're building applications that you want GameWisp subscribers to use. Provides access to the subscription endpoint in the User Resource.
Allows access to endpoints that return full subscriber information, including user input on benefit data. Don't request this scope from a subscriber unless you absolutely need that information from subscribers.
Useful if you want to build applications for GameWisp subscribers and do not necessarily have authorization for a channel to which a subscriber is subscribed."
What is your use case in particular that required user input? The current API isn't set in stone, and perhaps I can provide a workaround that can let you do whatever you're trying to do. If you'd prefer to discuss via email, you can reach us at help@gamewisp.com
Ahh ok, I'm working on an App for a broadcaster that takes that Input and automatically parses and use it to white-list users on the broadcaster's sub server.
So I would have to also get all the subs to authorize my application as well?
No answer on this question?
So, basically, it's easier to create a separate website and request our subscribers visit it and enter their IGN there so we can whitelist them.
Because asking each subscriber to also authorize our app is a real pain to implement when we want an efficient, simple and easy onboarding flow for our users.