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how do i make a channel

when i go to gamewisp.com it shows nothing just the name

Can i get a link for integrations page.... I can't find it.

Anyone know how to get song request to work on wisp ?

I added song request for my benifits but dont know how to get my subs to add music

Ankhbot Auth Error

When trying to connect my gamewisp via Ankhbot R2,I generate the token then get a :Game Wisp's Singularity API is currently down...Unable to connect." when I try to connect. What can I do to fix? Thanks

Singularity Test Event not working

Hey there,

Using Python with Singularity

I have a twitch bot which I have written in Python but someone has asked me to add Gamewisp integration to it to provide notifications etc in chat. Does anyone have any advice on how to connect to gamewisp singularity through Python?

Include doesnt work properly for GET /channel/subscribers

I'm currently working in a C# library for GameWisp but when I try to get Subscribers information by including "&include=user, tier", it doesnt work. Only work if I put user or tier only, not both.

More advanced Singularity testing.

I was wondering if there was anything in the works for more advanced Singularity testing. Right now every test is exactly the same, and is generic, not nessicary channel special (for example the the tier). This makes it really hard to test things like when there will be differences in names and information and tiers. Perhaps an option to input what their they subscribe to? Have a way to test different usernames, etc.

No browser access

my application cannot access or embed a web browser in order to redirect the user to the authorization endpoint. Is there a way to have some kind of Pin-based authorization?

What is the time unit of 'expires_in' of oAuth tokens?

Hi guys,